Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sweet as a Georgia Peach!

Karin and Bill's wedding was the best. They thought of everything and everyone. I had the chance to meet a lot of people, both family and friends. I had the most wonderful time and really enjoyed spending time with Adam and his family. Here are a few pictures.

Paul, Adam, Karen, Janet, and Grammy at welcome dinner. Stone Mt. is in the background.

Adam and I at the welcome to town dinner.

Adam and Cousin Bret at the hotel lounge.

Adam walking Grammy to her seat at the wedding.

Adam and I at the wedding.


Rita said...

Dear Mary, The pictures are just great. You are so beautiful and looked so pretty in all your outfits.The pictures show how happy we all are. I loved every moment of the week-end with you & Adam. Adam looked quite handsome.
Love, Grammy XXXOOO

Joan said...

Hi Mary:

Those pictures are so great! Grammy said it perfect - they show how happy everyone is.

I'm glad you had the opportunity to spend some time with Adam's immediate and extended family!

I love you!


KJC said...

We absolutely loved having you and Adam in Atlanta, and only wish the time hadn't flown by so quickly. It was wonderful! Thank you guys for flying in to celebrate this very special weekend with us!