Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The blind leading the blind

I saw this picture today and I thought it spoke to so many things. Life, Americans, ignorance, faith, leadership, and the list goes on and on. I think it was supposed to be funny.
This picture made me think about when I started questioning "what they tell me". I would say I started after high school, but I think my parents would say puberty! I do know that once I started questioning, I never wanted to stop. This tendency might explain my curiosity and need to learn.
I am opinionated and I usually not afraid to tell people how I feel. This is both a good and a bad quality. I never intend to hurt some one's feelings, but sometimes I do without knowing. One thing I don't think a lot of people know about me is that even though I am opinionated, I love hearing other sides of the argument. I like listening to my brother Bill talk about politics because even though it is completely conservative, his views are backed by fact and history. I also learn things and even though I may never agree with him, I like talking with him because he is so passionate and eager to hear what I have to say too. As long as there is civil discourse, then I am always looking forward to a great conversation.

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