Friday, August 3, 2007

Hey, I know how to count

I have decided to join weight watchers tomorrow. I am really excited about it too. I am really hoping to lose 30-40 pounds. If I lose that I will be back to where I was before I quit smoking. I think I switched addictions, it went from tobacco to food and it happened really quickly. Although I have stayed active for the last three years, it has not seemed to help me lose weight. I love exercising and being active, but I have now realized it has to extend passed this. I have lost weight before and I know that I can do it again.
Another great thing about it is that my coworker, who I love, Suzanne is also in weight watchers and she is going to be a great supporter. I also have Adam, who is a great help and willing to do whatever to be supportive.
I have always wanted to be a runner and I am going to make a goal to become one by the time I am 30, in order to do that I have to lose weight. I made a goal to quit smoking before I was 28, and I did it. I achieved that goal because of several things; first, I set a date, then I told everyone I knew what my goal was, and finally I had support. I have done all these things now for my weight loss goal. To me the most important step in that process is telling everyone what your goal is and how it will be achieved. I hate to disappoint and once I put my mind to something, it is a done deal. The question is: How many points is that slice of cheese?


Joan said...

Hey Mary:

Good for you! I'm excited for you to start weight watchers - will you fill me in on the points and how it works ;-)

Why is this weight thing such an ongoing issue - for us? Almost the majority of our lives we are consumed with our weight? I hate it. I know you're not a huge Oprah fan, but about a month ago she had a show on about health, she said she was tired of being in her 30s and having a weight issue, so she just took care of it. She had a goal and stuck to it. So she could spend her life not consumed by being overweight, but by the things life has to offer. Does that make sense? The best years of my life (so far) are my 30's and I want to feel my best, which means loosing another 10 or 20 pounds as well and after that, not worrying about weight - just maintaining and living life! Maybe we can make each other accountable and check in with each other a little more.

I would do anything I can to help you. My question is - what bout french fries??? I don't see any in my future ;-)

Anywho - I love ya and am so proud of all you've accomplished.

Take care.

MJ said...

Mary--I am so proud of you! I love reading your blog. MJ