Sunday, August 5, 2007

Weight Watchers, day one

I am a big fat loser (i.e. I am going to lose a lot of fat). I started my new way of life today and it is going pretty well so far. Weight Watchers is pretty cool and the philosophy fits nicely into my life. I went to my first meeting this morning and felt really welcome. I am going to go every Sunday morning.

Today was a great day. This morning after my meeting Adam and I had breakfast and coffee while watching "The Soup", which is a really funny show that recaps the week of celebrity stupidity. Then Adam and I went to the gym together and had a great workout. Tonight I am making a great dinner that we will enjoy together. Today is the first day we have had alone together in a while, and I really enjoyed the day.

Tomorrow starts another fun filled week of work...

I hope you all had excellent weekends.

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